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Need to become customer centered organizations in order to attract the most and the highest level of customers. Let's talk about a customer centered organization. What does that look like. OK granted I know I want to become one but what good is that. What would it look like. Well we know what a traditional organization looks like.

They're primarily revolved around their product or service right to of services in the middle time out kids and all the other main organizational functions or areas are used to serve the needs of selling more of their product like the marketing is about selling more of their product the sales the operations money is going into how much more product they can sell and the specific things they hire people the kind of people that can continuously dump out products to that to the public or services and to them even the customer is a means to an end and to the end of selling more products and services. Well let's talk about a customer centered organization in a customer centered organization.

Discussion 1

Everything I mean everything revolves around the needs of the customer. All areas including marketing sales operations financial team even leadership are designed for the number one reason a service and the customer and I imagine this all their marketing is designed it revolves around the needs of the customers of course they're communicating a lot of benefits a lot time out kids  of rewards that a customer can get from from taking part in this particular product or service. The sales is involved around the customer's needs of course there's a lot of listening a lot of questioning the operations is designed to fulfill the customer's needs. Ravanne just get the product out.


So of course it's more catered toward the specific needs of sometimes even individual customers finance. The money is put in and finding more ways of meeting customer needs team is an interesting one because you only hire the kind of people that will you know will naturally cater to the needs of your customer. For example if you have customers that like the personal attention like the interaction love to talk you would not hire the type of person who's quiet likes to work by himself doesn't really want to talk is really going to act as an excellent engineer let's say it would make sense. So a customer centered organization everything is driven. You can even say that is led by the needs of the customer. There's a book called exceptional service exceptional profit that describes the four ways or for different definitions or descriptions of a customer centered organization.


Discussion 2

It's a perfect product. You provide a caring delivery timeliness effective problem resolution process the customer is an integral part of the product service development process in other words you don't develop a product and then sell it to the customer No you think about your customer and develop the product or service around the customer you anticipate time out kids not just respond to the needs of customers and it's customized and tailored service.

It's customized and tailored service. Now of course you're probably asking yourself well OK then how do I turn my business the way it is into a customer centered organization. A gentleman who really pioneered this concept. Was a man named David Rantz. If you look it up you Google his name you see all the different articles that he wrote on this idea of customer centric. THEY CALLED IT organizations. And he says the transition goes just like you would when you're playing baseball running from one base to the next. So for them first base might be OK. You are your product and service centric or central type of organization in other words the product and service.

Discussion 3


The main thing. Okay granted that's where you started. OK. Like I mentioned before there's a lot of unfortunate sort of consequences of being that type of person so you don't want to stay there or that type of organization. So what do you do you go to second base. Now that's a little bit more customer experience focused they're more time out kids focused on okay what is the customer experiencing with my product or service. The center is still the product service but they're not more concerned about what the customer thinks. Third base is where the more customer value focused and it is they really want to make sure that let's say the product service is meeting the needs of customer so they'll adapt the product and service they'll change it more to continuously be able to meet the needs of their changing market. And of course home plate when you hit a homerun is the customer centered organization in that organization doesn't already have product service. They have a customer.

Discussion 4


Their ideal customer. And once they have that ideal customer they design the entire organization around them. Of course they end up being the most highly profitable companies. Perfect examples. Southwest Airline is called the organization that love built Nordstrom's known for their customer service Ritz-Carlton. I mean these are. How do you say the time out kids Pinnacle's of customer centered organizations. And of course our goal is to hit home runs with our customers. Another point to I want to make here that it starts at the bottom of what I mean. And I imagine a triangle. Right. The triangle generally or the triangle structure of business which has been sort of the traditional structure of business for the past 50 years. It's where the leader the manager is on top or let's say the leader of the business owners and top the managers under them and of course under them all the employees and then other them as the customer.

Final Outcome


Right. It's interesting Jack Welch once said The traditional model has everyone serving the boss with their rear end to the customer. In other words they're missing out on the main most important person in the entire organization which is the customer the inverted triangle says the customer centered organization has the leader at the time out kids bottom and his goal his mission or his role is to help those who will serve the needs of the true leader of the organization which is the customer. In other words the leader he devotes his time his effort his resources to helping the managers to be able to devote their time effort resources to helping the employees be the best and be successful what they do. So that those employees can take care of the ultimate leader of the organization which is the customer.

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